The power of human touch has been researched and the benefits have been found time and time again to be many and far reaching. Oncology Massage is a specific form of therapeutic human touch that could be an important part of the therapies that you or your loved one may be needing on the journey of living with or recovering from cancer.
Everyone’s journey is different and you may be experiencing a wide array of symptoms. On a physical level, there may be discomfort, stiffness or swelling. Oncology massage can help to relieve these symptoms in a safe and gentle way.
Cancer and cancer treatments can cause sleep problems, such as difficulty falling as asleep or staying asleep. Sleep is so important for your sense of wellbeing, for recovery and a balance of rest and activity is important to promote healing.
Oncology massage can help to promote relaxation and give you a better nights rest.
Oncology massage may help to give your body’s immune system a boost. Whilst important for your health, cancer treatments can also weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to infection. Oncology massage can help the function of your body’s natural defence system against illness after it has taken a hit.
Living with and recovering from cancer can be a stressful time. If you have ever had a massage, you will remember usually leaving feeling more relaxed and calmer than when you walked in. Oncology massage can help to calm your mind, promoting a sense of relaxation and wellbeing.
Oncology massage is a gentle, safe & supportive therapy that can provide many benefits for your or you or your loved one living with cancer that can improve your overall quality of life.
Understandably, everyone’s needs will vary and it is advised to seek the assistance of a health professional such as a Remedial Massage therapist or Myotherapist with the additional training in this area.
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